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Friday, 27 March 2009


Feel free to nurtur your prejudices, Mr Bagshaw; personally I have no prejudice about other people's prejudices as soon as people explain on what their prejudices are based... although I am not sure a prejudice can be really explained, it must be something rather instinctive or intuitive, I guess.
Do you also have a prejudice about Flaubert, or am I just misinterpreting?
Unlike Dark Puss and Mr Cornflower, I am going to comment on the poem itself. I like it, it has really a modern twist and it ressembles more like a C20th poem than like a C19th poem.
I also like the Japanese print. I have a postard (that I bought at the British Museum years ago) showing a white cat sitting on a window shelf and looking at the fields outside the window - it is rather a bompstable cat, I must say. The picture is by Ando Hiroshige and from "Hundred views of Edo". I think I will keep it on my desk now. I also have the picture of a sleeping ginger cat by Ano Chi, which is a very peaceful and soothing picture. I have no idea who Ano Chi is but it must be a Chinese painter.

Dear Mr Cornflower, try Schumann's Fantasiestucke for Clarinet. Not great music, but enjoyable!

Always a good exercise to try to lean against one's prejudices. I even ate baked beans once and lived. Your animus against Hardy I feel against Schumann...but I found myself delighting in the Kinderszenen recently.
On the other hand there is a certain release in just letting rip. A friend of mine once sat the entrance examination for All Souls, where one three hour paper requires the candidate to discourse on a single word title. In his year the word was "Taste", and he began: "Taste is purely a matter of prejudices. Here are some of mine..." (He failed)

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