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Tuesday, 24 February 2009


Ohh, this blog is really wonderful and stunning. Very nice blog!!!!! I like the door because i think the elegant doors always reflect a little of the personality of the homeowner. But not only the door should be identified with the preferences of individuals but all the parts of the house.

I haven't read the book but what you write about the beginning scene makes me laugh out loudly! Sorry, but I must tell you the truth.
Although I haven't experienced war or wartime first-hand (of course and fortunately),I feel that war itself is by default "a not very graphic but sordid and unpleasant episode", to say the least! The scene you mention is certainly not among the most obscene or uncivilized facts that have ever occurred during wartime. And this is not at all meant to be deprecating for those who served, who are serving or -unfortunately - who will still serve in the future... far from that.

From a literary point of view, I guess said scene is probably meant to surprise the readers when they don't expect it and to produce on them the odd effect it produced on you... And it worked apparently; you've been caught in the very trap the writer imagined, I am afraid! Well, it must be quite a good book then.

That said, I quite understand how you must have felt and I can easily imagine why you might have felt uncomfortable with that.

Off topic: From what I can see, you are currently reading (or rereading?) Rilke's poetry, a very good choice indeed!

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