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Thursday, 02 October 2008


When I first saw these two books appear on the left column I planned to read them in order to be able to give you my opinion about them but you are definitely too quick for me to follow you! Anyway, as I own them I'll read them and tell you later about them.

I read recently three PG Wodehouse's novels - all three quite different one from the other - and I confess that I sometimes had to laugh out loudly alone. I am glad he has written so many books (nearly 90) so I have many left to read!

BBC Radio 4 UK has now a programm about his novel 'Psmith in the City' which is one of the books I read. To listen to it, just go on the Listen Again Page, the programm is just named like the novel, it might work... although it doesn't on my machine...
But I guess Mr Bagshaw has already read this book as it is about... gentlemen who enjoy cricket and one scene at the end of the book is even located at Lord's. The books begins with long developments about cricket issues - but don't ask me if Wodehouse is right or wrong.

I found this programm as I was looking for the broadcast The Essay that I enjoyed listening last year but doesn't exist anymore...
I noticed that they have rather broadcasts about physics and science this year and we all know why.

To Dark Puss
Rabelais's best humour is rather saucy and dirty but I am not sure this is what British people prefer, not to mention that it would be so difficult to translate or explain it.
But saying "Well it didn't leave me rolling helpless on the floor" sounds so lovely and cat-ish because cats are picky are demanding indeed.
And I am sure about that as I am now rereading some Colette in preparation for my forthcoming reading of Paul Gallico's Jennie. I haven't read those dialogs between cats and dogs since my childhood and I want to do the work properly and be able to compare both authors. Stay tuned!

An interesting comment. I read (tried to read) this book about thirty years ago and wondered what the fuss was about. Humour is in most guises rather of its time I think. When I was working on my PhD thesis (for which I built a machine with the acronym CHIMAERA) I tracked down a number of literary quotations concerning this beast. There is a "joke" due to Rabelais (and pace Glo this may be badly translated) which essentially says "Can a Chimaera buzzing in the void swallow second intentions?". Well it didn't leave me rolling helpless on the floor.

Dark Puss

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  • Nothing is of greater consolation to the author of a novel than the disovery of readings he had not conceived but which are then prompted by his readers. (Umberto Eco, Reflections on The Name of the Rose)
  • ... relatively few persons in London ... can afford the luxury of one or more servants. No fewer than 3,700,000 have no servants at all, and of the half million that have servants 227,000 have only one. (The Times, 6 June 1895)
  • Standing among savage scenery, the hotel offers stupendous revelations. There is a French widow in every bedroom, affording delightful prospects. (Tyrolean inn brochure, according to Gerard Hoffnung)
  • (A doctor is at an elderly relative's deathbed) "The old sawbones, eh?" he bellowed ... "Just in the nick, perhaps. Haul the old girl back by the short hairs, if you ask me. Devilish smart at his work ... Always take a fence with more confidence when I know he's out with us."
  • Too often, when a man of Monty Godkin's mental powers is plunged in thought, nothing happens at all. The machinery just whirs for a while, and that is the end of it. (P G Wodehouse, Heavy Weather)
  • ...the breed that take their pleasures as Saint Laurence took his grid (Kipling, The Five nations)

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