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Friday, 24 October 2008


I am paying you a second visit and I re read both poems, and they certainly deserve a second read (and much more).
I was trying to concentrate more on that lovely Pirat song this time. Children can be so creative when they play as they imagine something different from the reality that is before their eyes. Sadly, we adults forget that ability and become too down-to-earth, except maybe poets.
Giving it a second thought, I think the TS Eliot poem is nothing but a short story in a versified form - and what a tale.
I love so much that name Growltiger, it teels so much about the personality of the said cat, you immediately imagine a terrible and terrible-looking feline, someone who loves fight and quarrel.
On the other hand, Dark Puss is such a sweet name, like a whisper.

Ooooooh! Come on Dark Puss!!!
Don't be jealous now but I do love this Terror of the Thames. Each cat features both an adventurous bad boy and a refined and well-behaved individual, depending on wether he is outdoor or indoor.
This is absolutely and unquestionably lovely and the names of the characters are priceless.
For more cat-related poetry, may I recommend to Dark Puss and Mr Bagshaw "The Kitten's Garden of Verses" by Oliver Herford? There are very nice pictures by Herford himself included.

Dark Puss is not sure he would have been a friend of Growltiger.

Interesting that you should have chosen the skull and crossbones theme. Being captured by pirates was one of the many fates I was concerned might befall you on your trip!

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