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Friday, 15 February 2008


Oh, Mr Bagshaw, you are much mistaken (to borrow an expression to Miss Austen). Of course, there are plenty of happy love poems but many of them will certainly sound rather erotic, as Dark Puss seems to suggest.
Poets have such a soft spot for sadness and despair and these feelings are more inspiring for them. As a consequenece, there are probably more sad than happy love poems. Besides, poets are so sensitive people that once they are in love they will immediately start being jealous or fearing to lose the loved one.
Following Dark Puss's idea, you should eventually consider having a contest - between you and your readers - for the happiest love poem.

OK, this is slightly cheating (as it reflects love for a child) but here is a happy love poem in my view!

"I have a child, a lovely one,
In beauty like the golden sun,
Or like sweet flowers of earliest bloom;
And Claïs is her name, for whom
I Lydia's treasures, were they mine,
Would glad resign." Sappho (trans J. H. Merivale)

or how about

"Kupris, hither
Come, and pour from goblets of gold the nectar
Mixed for love's and pleasure's delight with
Joys of the banquet." Sappho (trans J. A. Symonds, 1883)

The cat who loves Sappho

Some of the Sapphic fragments? Dark Puss

Are there any happy love poems?

Why not try a HAPPY love poem?

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