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Wednesday, 19 September 2007


As a child of the 50s myself, I am often struck by how old fashioned the 50s and indeed the 60s and 70s were, and how easy it is to forget that. But Hassan in the 50s, I'm astonished!

Indeed, ancient though I sometimes feel, the 1920s is before my time. It was revived in London sometime in the 1950s.

Indeed there's a Caliph, an important but not the leading figure - though I fear he is cruel and fickle. The play must have lasted longer than I thought if you saw it - I had presumed it a short lived thing, old fashioned when produced and out of favour before the 1920s were out - obviously not!

Hassan! That brings back a few memories. I saw the play in London when I was but a small child -- my father was in it -- as the Caliph? is there such a person? and my mother designed the costumes which were very beautiful, all based on Persian miniatures. The film actor Laurence Harvey was in it and I had a childish crush on him.
I remember one bit of the play:
At the [something] of the day
When all to Mecca turn to pray
And I towards thy bed, Yasmin.
That sent shivers down my spine just thinking about it!

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