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Wednesday, 18 July 2007


First time here, happy. It’s always my pleasure to read this type of stuff. Thank you for taking the time to share with it, and this blog is very nice. I’m still waiting for more interesting thoughts from your side in your next post. Have a nice day!

I live near Liverpool -- was there yesterday in fact. It is a great city, with wonderful architecture -- much underrated, I think.

I've always loved the Gerry Marsden song. It brings a lump to the throat of one who has never even been there. There's just something about his voice.

The College of Arms has the Liver Bird as a Cormorant I believe.

I am from S.A. and have stayed in Arniston (near Cape Agulhas) which is where the Birkenhead went down, the hotel there has various old artifacts from the ship which eventually washed ashore.

Thankyou for the three legs!
With reference to losses at sea, as I'm sure you know, the founder of the RNLI was a Manx resident, Sir William Hillary.

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